Midwest U.S.-Japan 54th Conference
“Building an Ecosystem for Innovation, Growth & Sustainability”


Saturday, September 7th

Japanese Secretariat Mary Frances Merrill, Room, 5fl)

U.S. Secretariat (Ema Spencer Room, 5fl)

Sunday, September 8th
9:00a – 5:00p U.S. Registration (Ema Spencer Room, 5fl)
9:15a – 10:15aMWJA Board Meeting (Amy Kimpton Room, 4fl)
Afternoon Programs:
11:00a – 1:30p Welcome to Ohio lunch – (Kojo Kamau BC, 4fl)
12:00p – 5:00p On-Stage Rehearsals (Aminah Ballroom, 5fl)

*Columbus Sightseeing Walking Tour (info avail at check-in)
*1:00p Durham Bull vs Columbus Clippers (tickets avail)
*1-on-1 Business Meetings (at Hilton)
*Exhibitor Booths set-up outside of Grand Ballroom (5fl)
Late Afternoon/Evening Programs: (all at Hilton)
5:30p–5:45pConference Co-Chairs Meet (Gina Knee Room, 4fl)
5:45p -6:30pJoint Executive Meeting: “
(Co-Chairs, US+Japanese Governors)

6:00-8:00p Welcome Reception (Fyr Restaurant, 1st fl)

Monday, September 9th
7:30-8:50aContinental Breakfast – Kojo Ballroom (4fl)

Conference Plenary Sessions – Grand Ballroom (5fl)
9:00a-9:15aOpening Ceremony begins with National Anthems.

9:15a-10:40a Welcome Remarks:
*Gordon Dobie, Chair, Midwest U.S.-Japan Association
*Takeo Inokuchi, Chair, Japan-Midwest-U.S. Association
*Hon. Yusuke Shindo, Consul General of Japan in Detroit
*Governor Mike DeWine, State of Ohio (Host)
*Governor Taizo Mikazuki, Shiga Prefecture
*Governor Tony Evers, State of Wisconsin
*Governor Motohiro Ono, Saitama Prefecture
*Governor Eric Holcomb, State of Indiana
*Governor Ichita Yamamoto, Gunma Prefecture
10:00a – 2:00p Spouse Tour
10:40-11:00a Coffee Break - Foyer
11:00-11:45a Keynote Remarks:
*H.E. Shigeo Yamada, Japanese Ambassador to the U.S.
*Robert Koepcke, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Japan, Korea
and Mongolia in the Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs (EAP )
12:00p-1:20p Luncheon Program (Kojo Ballroom, 4fl)

*Lydia Mihalik, Director of Ohio Dept. of Development (MC)
*Jennifer Thomas, SVP of Corporate Affairs, Honda of America
*Dr. Hiroyuki Fujita, CEO, Canon Healthcare

(Return to Grand Ballroom – Session I & Session II – only Track IV)

1:30 – 2:30p BREAKOUT SESSION I:

Track I:

"Sustainable Mobility – EV, Hydrogen & SAF(Sustainable Aviation Fuel)” (Kojo Ballroom, 4fl)
*Mr. Christopher Brooks, Honda of America
*Shane Thompson, Strategy & Bus. Development, Cirba Solutions
*Yoshinori Kanehana, Chairman of the Board, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
*Chikako Miyata, Executive Vice President, Group CSO, Chief
Sustainability Officer, ANA Holdings Inc.
*Moderator: Norihiko Ishiguro, Chairman and CEO, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

Track II:

“Life Science – Global Innovations for a Healthier Future” (Aminah Grand Ballroom, 5fl)
*Dr. Makiko Iwafuchi, Cincinnati Children’s
*Christina Perry, Chief Financial Officer, Forge Biologics
*Dr. Hiroyuki Fujita, Canon Healthcare
*Kuniko Nishikawa, President & CEO, First Star Healthcare Co., Ltd.
*Moderator: Eddie Pauline, Ohio Life Sciences
3:15 – 4:15pBREAKOUT SESSION II: (3 Site visits & a Hotel session)

Track I: “Sustainable Mobility – EV, Hydrogen & SAF - OSU
Track II: “Tech” - Intel (Driving Tour)
Track III: “Life Sciences-Global Innovations for a Healthier Future”
American Regent

Track IV: Construction & Site Selection–Hilton Columbus Downtown (Aminah Ballroom, pre-function space) (5fl)
*Chris Knezevic, Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
*Brady Phillips, Kokosing Industrial
*Greg Fox, VP, Lean Construction, Miller Valentine *Moderator: Brandon Talbert, Managing Director, Austin Consulting

4:45-6:00p “Japanese Whiskey Tasting” at Hilton, “Gina Knee (4fl)
6:00 – 7:00pMonday Gala Dinner at the State Capitol (incl brief remarks)

Cocktail Reception in Rotunda
7:00 – 9:00pDinner (Music Performance to follow dinner)

" *Ohio Party following Gala Dinner at “Spark Lounge” – Lobby "

Tuesday, September 10th
7:30-8:50a Continental Breakfast – Kojo Ballroom (4fl
9:00 – 10:35a (Plenary Session) Grand Ballroom (5fl)
(Keynote Remarks)
Keynote Presentation: “Intel in Ohio”
Jim Evers, Vice President & Ohio General Manager, Intel

“Creating, Attracting & Retaining the Talent of Tomorrow”

*Dr. Rebecca Butler, Columbus State Community College
*Jenn Campbell, Manager, Human Resources, Yaskawa America, Inc.
*Dr. Frederic Bertley, President & CEO, Center of Science and
Industry (COSI)
*Takajiro Ishikawa, Executive Vice President, Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Ltd, President & CEO, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
America, Inc.
*Seiji Sato, Director and Senior Managing Officer, Daifuku Co., Ltd./
President & CEO, Daifuku North America, Inc.
*Moderator: Kristi Clouse, Sr. Managing Director, Talent, JobsOhio
10:30a-10:45a Coffee Break
10:45a-11:40p (Closing Ceremony)

*Hon. Jun Yanagi, Consul-General of Japan in Chicago
*Lt. Governor David Toland, State of Kansas
*Kenny McDonald, President & CEO, Columbus Partnership
*Conference Co-Chairs Closing Remarks + Gift exchange
11:30-12:30pBuffet Lunch – Kojo Ballroom (4fl)
(Honda Marysville Auto Plant visit)
12:30p Depart Hotel for Plant
*Tour Auto Plant and Transportation Research Center
4:30pArrival at Hotel
(invitation only)
4:30-6:30 pm SAITAMA Prefecture Local Reception Tasting:
Hilton Columbus Downtown – Gina Knee Room
(free admission, register online by Sept. 3rd)